About Awansys

AWANSYS bring business solution and resources to the next level that offers businesses to do more with less infrastructure and manpower.

Comprehensive platform and a strong experience team to provide and assist you in transitioning your business IT into a more flexible and manageable environment. With cost and resources efficiency, in no time your business will gain more with lower investment.

Cloud Technology & Solution

Moving forward to the new era of digital cloud computing where data, resources and infrastructure no longer require physical presence and maintenance. Allowing businesses the flexibility to move, expand, and switch without setbacks to technology limitations or heavy investment costs.

AWANSYS expertise and experience will be able to provide you the best cloud solution that you need in your business IT infrastructure as well as the type of solution to make your business operation more effective and efficient.

Leverage on our experts

Our team of consultants and engineers will be working with you side by side in your business IT transition and to build the next tool for your business growth.

AWANSYS has a comprehensive range of products to offer and tailored to suit your business needs

  • Business solutions & Integration
  • Cyber Security
  • Technical Support & Maintenance